Posted 2 years ago

Eat Well, Live Well – Cinnamon Green Tea


1 small bunch mint, about 15 sprigs, preferably spearmint

4 3-inch cinnamon sticks

1-2 thin slices of fresh ginger

6 cups cold water

4 bags green tea, regular or decaffeinated

6 Tbsp. 100% apple juice concentrate, or to taste


Place mint, cinnamon sticks and ginger in large saucepan. Add water, cover pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add tea bags and steep 5 minutes.

Remove tea bags, mint, ginger and cinnamon sticks, reserving sticks. Sweeten hot tea to taste with apple juice. Pour into mugs, add cinnamon sticks for garnish and serve.