Posted 2 years ago

SCS Lunch & Learn: Should Everyone with Breast Cancer get a Mastectomy?

Today’s featured speaker is Dr. Rashmi Vaidya.  She is a Breast Surgeon at Ironwood Women’s Center at our Phoenix and Glendale offices.  She will be discussing mastectomies and breast cancer.


Dr. Rashmi Vaidya discusses the following in this presentation:

CPM stands for Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy.
CPM is not 100% protective against cancer forming in your other breast.
CPM will not improve your cure rate for your known cancer.
CPM will not reduce your risk of cancer returning from your known cancer.
CPM will not reduce your need for other cancer treatments for your known cancer (adjuvant therapy), if indicated.
The risk of surgical complications at the surgical site (such as bleeding, infection, healing complications and chronic pain) is approximately twice as high when CPM is performed.
CPM results in permanent numbness of the chest wall (and nipple if preserved).
CPM with reconstruction will result in an increased number of operations.
Complications from CPM may delay treatment of your known cancer, including chemotherapy and radiation that may be recommended after surgery.

Learn more about Dr. Rashmi Vaidya here.

For more information on how you can live well on your cancer journey email the Supportive Care Services Department at

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